Personal appointments do not have to be dependent on time and space

Digital meetings create flexibility, not only for the patient but also for the organisation and its staff. It’s all about using the right form of contact for the right purpose. The result will be more personal and efficient care for everyone.

Mother and child meet doctor via laptop

Video, messages or chat?

Our platform enables people to meet easily and securely. Each service can decide for itself which forms of contact the patient is to be offered in which particular circumstance. Usually, one patient will meet one healthcare practitioner in the platform, but sometimes a coordinated meeting with several participants may be needed.


Video calls improve the interaction

Meeting the patient via video, instead of talking on the phone, not only means it is easier to assess the patient’s condition, study rashes and other visible problems; it also strengthens the relationship between patient and healthcare professional when they can actually see each other. Moreover, the patient is in a familiar, comfortable environment which can help them to be more relaxed, while at the same time giving the healthcare professional an insight into how the person is doing at home. Many of our customers have described improved interactions thanks to secure video meetings.


Multi-party collaboration

Being able to invite one or more guests – for example, a relative, interpreter, colleague, specialist or a third party from another organisation – to the same video meeting creates the conditions needed for a more personalised, secure and coordinated care process.


Messaging provides valuable information

Messaging is particularly appropriate for administrative matters, questions and first contacts. You can use messaging asynchronously, like an email conversation with secure authentication, or synchronously, like a chat. In addition to writing messages in text, it is possible to attach pictures, videos or other files to a conversation.

The great advantages of messaging are that patients can do part of the work themselves, cases can be directed to the right resource straight away, and healthcare professionals can choose to work effectively with messages when it suits them.

Visiba Group AB
Adolf Edelsvärds Gata 11 Göteborg, 414 51
Phone: 0761993666